Monday, August 5, 2013

Bad. Wolf.

What better way to start off my review blog then with a classic -

Doctor Who

Now, I'm a little sensitive when it comes to talking about Doctor Who with the general public. In fact, I'm a bit of a Doctor Who snob. I'll admit - I haven't seen ALL of the history of the Doctor (I started watching during the reboot, circa 9th Doctor) But I do come from a family who watched him back in the day. And so, I get a little sensitive around the bandwagoners who jumped on circa Matt Smith and think they know everything about Doctor Who. AND while I also will admit that I don't know everything about our beloved Doctor, I take pride in the fact that I've probably been loyal for longer. I mean, I went to a Doctor Who exhibition when I was on a study abroad in Cardiff back in summer '09, and at that time I was one of 2 people in my group who had ever even heard of it. Now, it's like everyone and their dog is obsessed with the Doctor, and while I'm glad the fan base is growing, I'm jealous and don't like being roped in with the newcomers just because I'm young. And with that - I will end my self-righteous soapbox.

Let's start with the news of - THE NEW DOCTOR!

Yup. His name is Peter Capaldi. He's 55. And he's the new Doctor. Number 12.

Now, if there's one thing that I've learned about reacting to new encarnations of our favorite time lord, it's that - I just have to wait and see. If you judge based on looks and past acting history alone, you're going to set up all of these crazy expectations for his first appearance and inevitably be let down. JUST DON'T DO IT! Be excited about the chance to experience a brand new take on or favorite time-traveling maniac! So, those are my thoughts. I'm going to miss Matt Smith immensely (in the same way that I missed Tennant and Ecclestone. You know, in that achey, there's a hole in my heart where [insert name here] used to be and I don't know if/want it to be filled kinda way) BUT I'm excited for what the future holds.

Also, I like that he's older. It's a nice throwback to tradition. I'm pretty stoked to see the Doctor's reaction on going from young to old in his regeneration. It's gonna be good.

Not to mention the Christmas special with LIKE EVERYONE in it. Oh you know I'm gonna post about that come December.

Moving on, currently, I'm behind in my watching of the most recent season of Dr. Who - and for that I blame my mission and the fact that it's really hard to track down episodes online here in the states. However, my lovely father recently acquired the rest of the season for me to watch from my portable hard drive and all is well in the world.

So, today's review comes to you courtesy of my pops. Thanks dad!


Episode 7x08 The Ring of Akhaten

 And so it begins with a love story - aww! Can I just say how much I LOVE the fact that the Doctor wears Amy's glasses?? 'Cause it's a lot. The sentimental old guy....

Turns out the lovebirds are Clara's parents! And the Doctor has been following them around to come to the conclusion the he (and all of us confused peeps) keep coming to
"She's not possible!"

PS - I'm in love with the new blue inside of the Tardis. Complete with Galifreyan writing. It's a nice touch :)

They're bonding! So starts the new-companion love fest. In fact, I am IN LOVE with how the Doctor has like a knowledge/puzzle crush on her. He acts like a giddy schoolboy who's in love - with a problem to be solved. And they are adorable. It's almost enough to make me forget that Rose or River exists...

Aww Yay! More flashbacks to her backstory. She's got a mom who loves her to Lily Potter proportions. That's probably going to come in handy later in the episode #foreshadowing

Look at the cute little girl's makeup!! She's some kind of chosen one (insert another Harry Potter connection here) and she's afraid to sing a lullaby to their great, semi-scary god (who's probably going to turn out to be a monster). It's a good thing Clara's there. SHE'S A GOVERNESS IN EVERY INCARNATION AND IS REALLY GOOD WITH KIDS, OKAY? 

Doctor and companion sexual tension time #loveit

Why does the Doctor adorably hold hands with everyone?! Except me!?! I mean, just because it turns out that little Mary is supposed to be sacrificed to the evil "god" soul-sucking monster, doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't get our hands held. Insert other adorable Doctor care taking moments here:


Would you like me to tell you a story that you haven't heard? It's super endearing a heart-warming and tells you that you're special and there's nobody else like you in the whole universe. 


That's nice. Promise that big scary monster in there won't kill everyone if I refuse to sacrifice myself to it?


Yes. Cross my hearts (awesome gesture of him crossing both of his hearts)

Is it possible to view the Doctor as both an adorable story-telling parent and hot boyfriend with great father potential? #timelordproblems Also, he said something or other occuurs "a million trillion SQUILLION times a second" yeah. A SQUILLION.

SURPRISE! Turns out the monster from earlier isn't the soul-sucking monster "god" - THIS PLANET IS!! #plottwist #thatssodoctorwho

Let's talk about the brilliant moment of acting that lead up to the moment. PROPS TO MATT SMITH. I always love it when they give us moment when we get to see the true age of the doctor shine through. All of his sadness and love just leaking out in little bits, and giving letting us see the true depth of our beloved hero. It gets the actor in me all kind of fired up. And his little speech about loss, life, and the universe - brilliant. 

And even the big evil soul sucking monster planet can't hand what the Doctor keeps bottled up inside. Ultimately though, Clara comes through and shows us that the possibility of the future is much more powerful then the memories of our past #lifelessonsfromthedoctor

I love how insanely perplexed he is by her. He just is confused to the soul and it's adorable!! Especially because it's exactly the way that we all feel!!! 
"SHE IS NOT POSSIBLE?!?!!" How is she possible!!!

And so we all know he can't leave her alone for long. And neither can I. 

Until next time my friends <3

"It's a brand new day, and the sun is high...." [Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog]

So here's the thing.

I've been reading a lot of blogs/list posts, etc. And every time that I read them, I think about how much I want to write something like that. Then I realize that I'm not that talented with words, and people probably won't ever read what I write, so why bother.

But THEN I realize that it doesn't matter who reads it (if anyone does for that matter). If I wanna do it - then I should do it.

So I did it.

And a new blog was born!

So, here at Shens on a Wire I'm going to be reviewing stuff. That's right! I've been inspired by the ladies at Hello Giggles to give (hopefully) witty, play by play reviews of the movies and television that I love. I mean, I spend a good chunk of my days (the percentage of which I'm not willing to actually admit in writing) watching "the tube" and so why not voice my thoughts. You don't have to take anything I say seriously - because let's be real, it' s just my oh-so-humble opinion. The goal is to make you feel like you're sitting with me as I react to what I watch, which I've been told is quite entertaining.

I will be experiencing new shows/films, re-watching old favs, and taking suggestions from you, the lovely public. Hopefully I will actually keep up with this one :)

And while you probably won't learn anything new, I DO hope you have fun while you read.